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Quiz: Streets of San Francisco

Test your cabbie IQ!

Think you know San Francisco? Before you get behind the wheel of a taxi (or play a back-seat driver on your next cab ride), here’s a little quiz from GUIDEBOARD. Answers are at bottom.

A score of 8 or more makes you an honorary cab driver.

Where is San Francisco Ave. located?
a.  Mission District
b.  Ingleside
c.  Parkside
d.  none of the above
Most even-numbered addresses in SF are located on the:
a.  north and west sides of the street
b.  north and east sides of the street
c.  south and west sides of the street
d.  south and east sides of the street
Four cab drivers want the radio order at 701 Geary St. Who is closest?
a.  cabbie at Geary and Hyde
b.  cabbie at Geary and Mason
c.  cabbie at Eddy and Leavenworth
d.  cabbie at Post and Jones
A passenger asks to go to 1350 12th Ave. The address is located in the:
a.  Marina
b.  Sunset
c.  Richmond
d.  Parkside
Which address does not exist?
a.  South Park Ave.
b.  North 5th St.
c.  North 25th Ave.
d.  West End Ave.
How many Holiday Inns are there in San Francisco?
a.  Two
b.  Three
c.  Four
d.  Five
Diane Feinstein’s city residence (one of her numerous homes) is located at:
a.  Shawnee Ave.
b.  Cameron Way
c.  Phelps St.
d.  Presido Ter.
The Cow Palace is in:
a.  San Francisco
b.  South San Francisco
c.  Daly City
Which streets do NOT intersect?
a.  7th Ave. and Geary Blvd.
b.  2Oth St. and Valencia
c.  3rd St. and 18th St.
d.  16th St. and Eureka
 What is the highest-numbered  avenue  in the Richmond?
a.  27th Ave.
b.  35th Ave.
c.  48th Ave.
d.  52th Ave.
Bonus Question: The St. Francis is located at:
a.  Bush and Hyde
b.  Marina Blvd. and Lyon
c.  Powell and Geary
d.  all of the above

  1. (d) none of the above
    (There is no street, avenue or alley named San Francisco.)
  2. (b) north and east sides of the street
  3. (d) cabbie at Post and Jones.
    He's two blocks away —the others all have three blocks to travel on the one-way streets.
  4. (b) Sunset
    (The Sunset is on the south side of Golden Gate Park and begins with the 1200 block.)
  5. (d) West End Ave.
    (South Park Av. is between 2nd and 3rd Sts. near Bryant. North 5th borders the Ramada Renaissance. North 25th Ave. is an extension of 25th Ave. West End Ave. is in New York City.)
  6. (d) Five
    (Holiday Inn Convention Center on 8th St.; Holiday Inn Union Square on Sutter; Holiday Inn Chinatown on Kearny; Holiday Inn Fisherman's Wharf on Northpoint; Holiday Inn Golden Gateway on Van Ness.)
  7. (d) Presidio Ter.
    (Shawnee Ave. was Dan White’s address. Cameron Way is public housing. Phelps St. is a sewerage plant.)
  8. (b) Daly City
    (It’s located on Geneva Ave—south and east of the county line.)
  9. (d) 16th St. and Eureka (3rd, and 18th Sts. crisscross in "Dogpatch," the neighborhood east of Potrero Hill.)
  10. (c) 48th Ave.
  11. (d) all of the above
    (The St. Francis Hospital is located at Bush and Hyde; the St. Francis Yacht Club is at Marina Blvd. and Lyon; the St. Francis hotel is at Powell and Geary.)